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Chronic Disease Management Specialist

MAR Primary Care

Board Certified Internal Medicine Physicians & Adult Gerontology Nurse Practitioners located in Tampa, Tampa, FL

Your chronic disease might affect you for the rest of your life, but that doesn’t mean you have to be uncomfortable or in pain. With effective chronic disease management at MAR Primary Care in Tampa, Florida, you can continue working, enjoying yourself during your free time, and living an active life. Internist Nelson Mañé, MD, and his team create a personalized plan for you with ongoing monitoring. For more information about chronic disease management, book an appointment by phone or online at MAR Primary Care today.

Chronic Disease Management Q&A

What sets chronic diseases apart from other diseases?

Chronic diseases are conditions that affect your health for one year or more. In many cases, they affect you for the rest of your life. While many chronic diseases don’t currently have a cure, you can learn to manage them and live life comfortably despite it. Effective chronic disease management helps you avoid complications that could impact your health or even put your life at risk. 

You can reduce your chances of getting a chronic disease by living a healthy lifestyle. Eating a nutritious diet, getting exercise regularly, and avoiding risky behaviors like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can help avoid or manage a chronic disease.

However, your genetics also contribute to your risk for chronic diseases, and you can’t always avoid getting them because of your lifestyle alone. 

What are some common chronic diseases?

MAR Primary Care specializes in the management of many common chronic diseases. If you don’t yet have a diagnosis, our providers evaluate you and may perform tests to find out if a chronic disease is causing your symptoms. Common chronic diseases include:

  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • High cholesterol
  • Asthma
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Arthritis
  • Thyroid gland diseases
  • Migraines

These and other chronic diseases can severely impact your life, causing discomfort, reduced mobility, trouble concentrating, and other symptoms and complications. You might miss out on work, memorable events, and even nightly sleep because of them.

To live comfortably with a chronic disease, you should visit MAR Primary Care for effective management. 

How does chronic disease management work?

At MAR Primary Care, your provider helps manage your chronic disease with ongoing monitoring and care.

Once your plan is in place, they help you book regular follow-up appointments to make sure you’re managing your disease effectively. They can also adjust your plan to better suit your needs. Your chronic disease management plan might include:


The more you know about your disease, the better you can manage it. Your provider can give you all the information you need for a better understanding of your condition. 

Lifestyle changes

To reduce your symptoms and risk of complications, you may need to adjust your diet, stop smoking, or make other changes to your daily routine. 

Prescription medications

Certain prescription medications can help ease your symptoms or improve your quality of life. Your provider educates you on how to take them to get the maximum benefit. 

Therapies and treatments

Your provider might also recommend certain forms of therapy or treatment. Physical therapy, for example, can help you stay mobile if you have arthritis. 

If you want to improve your quality of life with effective, personalized chronic disease management, book an appointment by phone or online at MAR Primary Care today.