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Health & Wellness Specialist

MAR Primary Care

Board Certified Internal Medicine Physicians & Adult Gerontology Nurse Practitioners located in Tampa, Tampa, FL

Maintaining your overall health and wellness now can help you avoid costly treatments and surgeries later in life. At MAR Primary Care in Tampa, Florida, Nelson Mañé, MD, and his team provide several preventive services, including weight loss and physical exams, to keep you fit and healthy. To schedule a visit with an experienced primary care provider today, call MAR Primary Care or book an appointment online.

Health & Wellness Q&A

What is health and wellness?

Wellness is the active pursuit of optimal physical and mental health. Health and wellness go together, promoting a life free of disease and illness while improving your overall quality of life.

Why are health and wellness important?

Taking active steps toward a healthier lifestyle improves your quality of life now and in the future. With the right preventive care, you can avoid costly medications and hospital visits, while maintaining your independence as you age.

For example, uncontrolled blood sugar levels now can lead to diabetes later. Without proper care, diabetes can cause serious complications, including vision problems, neuropathy, stroke, heart disease, and even limb loss in rare instances. 

By maintaining a healthy lifestyle now, one that includes regular exercise, proper nutrition, and annual physical exams with MAR Primary Care, you can set yourself up for a lifetime of good health.

How can I maintain good health and wellness?

MAR Primary Care is committed to designing a personalized health and wellness plan that sets you up for success. Some of the services the practice provides include:

Weight loss plans

Losing just 5% of your body weight can lead to vast improvements in your overall health if you’re overweight. Weight loss reduces your risk of chronic illnesses, such as diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers, and can even help you manage these conditions if you already have them.

After evaluating your height, weight, body mass index (BMI), and lifestyle habits, MAR Primary Care can design a weight loss plan that best suits your goals.

Annual physical/wellness exam

Annual physicals and wellness exams are preventive assessments that evaluate your physical, mental, and social health to identify factors that may be inhibiting you from living your best life. 

Physicals typically include a review of your medical history, questions about your lifestyle habits, a physical assessment, and blood work. These preventive exams help your doctor identify early signs of chronic diseases, such as chronic fatigue, asthma, arthritis, diabetes, and even cancer.

At the end of your exam, your provider may prescribe certain medications or supplements. They may also recommend lifestyle changes, like quitting smoking, reducing your alcohol consumption, or minimizing your caffeine intake.


Missing key vitamins and minerals in your diet, such as iron, vitamin B12, vitamin D, or vitamin C, can have a significant impact on your health and wellness. Many people with vitamin deficiencies experience fatigue, anemia, hair loss, and more. After your initial evaluation, the MAR Primary Care team can recommend the best supplements to boost your energy levels and prevent disease.

To schedule a visit with MAR Primary Care today, call the office or book an appointment online now.